Sexual violence is an endemic public health problem that affects millions of people each year. In this session, we’ll explore the prevalence of sexual violence among adolescents and examine lessons learned from school-based prevention efforts to reduce and ultimately prevent such violence.

During this hour-long webinar, Avanti Adhia and Nikki Van Wagner will provide a thorough background on the public health impacts of sexual violence among adolescents. Avanti is an Assistant Professor at UW who focuses her research on preventing interpersonal violence, while Nikki is a Program Consultant with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). After providing context for the impacts of sexual violence among adolescents, Avanti and Nikki will then explore new research from a pilot study on prevention strategies conducted at middle schools in Washington state. They’ll conclude by examining the challenges that school-based prevention efforts often encounter.

Register today to learn about the burden of sexual violence among adolescents, and explore the need for school-based prevention methods that can help reduce sexual violence and improve relational outcomes.


Avanti Adhia, ScD
Assistant Professor, University of Washington

Nikki Van Wagner, MA
Program Consultant - Sexual Violence Prevention, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) 

These monthly Web-conferencing events, sponsored by the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, provide an authoritative hour-long forum for discussing topics that are important to the public health practice community and the tribal health units in the six Northwest states: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.

Event Date/Time: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST