The Hans Rosling Center for Population Health
The years 2020–2022 were memorable, to say the least. During a time when individuals were required to stay six feet apart, as a collective, we were closer than ever.
The Northwest Center for Public Health Practice strives to create an environment where health and equity are collaboratively achieved through a skilled, diverse workforce and effective, just, and responsive prevention systems by bringing public health academia and practice communities together.
Throughout these transformative years, we saw great changes in the public health field. “As we’ve long worried about an ‘aging’ and too homogenous public health workforce, this influx of new and more diverse public health professionals is a wonderful change,” said Betty, NWCPHP Director. “Yet, this change brings with it a workforce with much less experience in public health and relatively fewer mentors to help people grow into their positions and develop as leaders.”
From organizational restructuring to an infusion of funding in support of training, research, and evaluation, NWCPHP was at the forefront of working to provide support to essential public health professionals. This impact report outlines the efforts taken by NWCPHP and the perseverance of its faculty and staff to assist with guiding this new workforce.
To learn more about NWCPHP’s efforts and updates from 2020-2022, read the full report here.