You can’t throw a rock without hitting a new application of artificial intelligence these days.
But just what is artificial intelligence, and how might it help (or hinder) our work to improve population health? This month’s Hot Topics in Practice will provide some basics to help you think about this, as well as some hands-on examples with ChatGPT.
The March session of Hot Topics in Practice will discuss generative artificial intelligence (AI). This is a broad label describing any type of artificial intelligence capable of producing text, images, videos, or audio clips, often in response to prompts. This session explores how AI might enhance the work to improve population health as well as how it may be a threat. The presenter will discuss ChatGPT and how it is used for tasks in addition to assessing its relevance to addressing challenges in population health.
In this hour-long webinar, Abraham Flaxman, PhD, an Associate Professor of Health Metrics Sciences at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, will focus on generative artificial intelligence and the role it plays in enhancing or hindering the work to improve population health. He will include a live demonstration with tools such as ChatGPT.
Register today to learn more about the role of generative AI tools in addressing today’s public health challenges.
AI in Public Health Today: The Basics
Date: March 26, 2024, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Intended Audiences
Local, state, and tribal public health practitioners
Abraham D. Flaxman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of Washington
About Hot Topics in Practice
Hot Topics in Practice is a monthly webinar forum to discuss issues affecting public health practice.
Up to 1 CPH recertification credit may be earned by viewing this webinar. Visit the National Board of Public Health Examiners to learn more.