October 2, 2018

In the next session of Hot Topics in Practice, communications professor Devon Greyson explores ways to help public health professionals and clinical providers speak about vaccinations.

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September 27, 2018

The Public Health Learning Navigator has certified three NWCPHP online courses with their quality seal.

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September 5, 2018

In the next session of Hot Topics in Practice, Sarah Coefield, MS, discusses how the Missoula City-County Health Department supported public health during the 2017 summer wildfire season.

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August 28, 2018

NWCPHP has developed an online toolkit to train 9-1-1 call center managers to reduce stress in the working environment.

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August 6, 2018

Kirsten Aird, MPH, shares Oregon's approach to engaging older populations in being healthy and hopeful.

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August 1, 2018

CDC’s Learning Connection website will feature NWCPHP’s course Safe at Every Stage: Injury and Violence Prevention and the Developing Brain throughout August.

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July 13, 2018

NWCPHP releases Stress Reduction Training for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators, a mindfulness-based course available to telecommunicators and the public.

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July 2, 2018

Clackamas County Public Health Director Dawn Emerick shares how her division embraced the Chief Health Strategist role to better work with new partners in new ways.

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June 29, 2018

NWCPHP's updated Evidence-Based Public Health online training series includes two new modules and other improved options for participants.

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June 12, 2018

NWCPHP’s Planning for Financial Success online course is promoted as a featured learning opportunity by the CDC Learning Connection.

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