January 25, 2024

NWCPHP provides support to public health professionals through training, research, and evaluation.

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The Hans Rosling Center for Population Health

January 17, 2024

With funding received from NWCPHP, Taylor and Olga were empowered to assist the needs of the Ukrainian refugee community.

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Photograph of Olga and Taylor

Student stipend recepients, Olga Vitruk and Taylor Erickson

January 4, 2024

The January session of Hot Topics in Practice will focus on how health communicators can approach the challenges of mis- and disinformation.

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December 14, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic brought greater awareness to both the role of public health organizations and glaring health inequities in our society.

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Photograph of seated student raising hand with other students in the background

Essentially Public Health

December 7, 2023

Student, Valerie Edwards, helps create a communications strategy to promote trauma-informed care practices.

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Photo of Valerie smiling with purple sage image behind

Student stipend recipient Valerie Edwards

November 30, 2023

The December session will focus on the efforts made by Jefferson Healthcare to examine various approaches for providing gender-affirming care.

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November 17, 2023

NWCPHP is expanding its management-related offering with new customizable PHMC packages.

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Scholars in discussion at an on-site session

Scholars in discussion at an on-site session.

November 15, 2023

Measuring Change for Anti-Racist Programs gives public health teams tools to develop equity-driven programs.

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Top view graphic of four staff around a table with an idea lightbulb in the middle.

Measuring Change for Anti-Racist Programs (MCAP)

November 13, 2023

NWCPHP Instructional Designers Erica and Kevin provide clarity about their roles.

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Image of Erica on the right and Kevin on the left with purple graphic behind.

NWCPHP's Instuctional Designers, Erica and Kevin

November 3, 2023

The November session of Hot Topics in Practice will provide a background on sexual violence among adolescents.

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