Risk Category |
Nature of risk |
Typical populations |
Preexposure recommendations |
Continuous |
Virus present continuously, often in high concentrations.
Aerosol, mucous membrane, bite, or nonbite exposure. Specific
exposures may go unrecognized. |
Rabies research lab worker*; rabies biologics
production workers. |
Primary course. Serologic testing every six months; booster
vaccination when antibody level falls below acceptable
level.+ |
Frequent |
Exposure usually episodic, with source recognized, but exposure
may also be unrecognized. Aerosol, mucous membrane, bite, or
nonbite exposure. |
Rabies diagnostic lab workers*, spelunkers,
veterinarians and staff, and animal-control and wildlife workers in
rabies ezootic areas. Travelers visiting foreign areas of enzootic
rabies for more than 30 days. |
Primary course. Serologic testing or booster vaccination every
2 years.+ |
Infrequent (greater than population at large) |
Exposure nearly always episodic with source recognized. Mucous
membrane, bite, or nonbite exposure. |
Veterinarians and animal-control and wildlife workers in areas
of low rabies enzooticity. Veterinary students. |
Primary course; no serologic testing or booster
vaccination. |
Rare (population at large, e.g., Washington State) |
Exposure always episodic. Mucous membrane, or bite with source
unrecognized. |
U.S. population at large, including persons in rabies epizootic
areas. |
No vaccination necessary. |