NWCPHP's latest online course is designed to help public health professionals pull together the key elements needed to secure funding for public health projects and programs.
In 2015, NWCPHP offered a popular webinar series which introduced participants to a practical and proactive approach to the public health funding process. The series went beyond grant writing basics to cover how to seek out the most promising opportunities, how to prepare “rapid response documents” in advance to be able to respond quickly to new opportunities, and how to regroup and repurpose proposals that don’t receive funding. One participant called the training “a must have for any program” and “an invaluable tool and guide which breaks down a daunting process into bite-size doable pieces.”
Now NWCPHP is offering the same training in a self-paced online course. “Planning for Financial Success” is designed to help public health professionals pull together the key elements needed to secure funding for public health projects and programs. This no-cost, skills-based course covers funding applications from the big picture to the nuts-and-bolts details, from preparing budgets and planning for subcontracts to writing compelling narratives and engaging partners in supporting a proposal.
“Funding opportunities in public health happen very quickly with little time to discuss or plan,” said co-instructor Luann D’Ambrosio, Associate Director at NWCPHP. “This course provides a toolkit and templates for having commonly requested documentation on the ready. It will really give folks a head start on writing a clear, and hopefully successful, grant proposal.”
Using case examples, interactive exercises, and video demonstrations, the course walks participants through the process of responding to governmental and private funding opportunities. A workbook accompanying the online course allows participants the opportunity to apply each step of the process to a project or program in their own organization.
“We wanted to create this course because going after grants can be a daunting experience,” said co-instructor Janell Blackmer, Operations Manager at NWCPHP. “We wanted to break it down into manageable pieces and get people empowered and energized to fund their work in public health. These skills are so important, because even the greatest ideas won't become realities without adequate resources behind them.”
Funding public health activities is challenging, and having a team in place ready to respond to funding opportunities from government agencies and foundations is critical for success. This course will empower you to consider a more thorough process and funding strategy for the growth and sustainability of your agency, organization, or program team.
Access "Planning for Financial Success" and begin preparing for key funding opportunities.