NWCPHP's updated Evidence-Based Public Health online training series includes two new modules and other improved options for participants.
NWCPHP is offering an updated version of its Evidence-Based Public Health online training series, with new content and options for participants. These no-cost, self-paced trainings—which can each stand alone or be taken together as a nine-part course—cover evidence-based public health practice, from assessing community needs through research and program design to program evaluation.
Here are a few ideas for how these updates can help you build the skills you need to improve public-health practice in your community.
Do you need to juggle multiple stakeholder groups and points of view to set priorities for your work? In the new Module 6, Prioritizing Program and Policy Options, Sarah Ross-Viles, MPH, clinical instructor and director of the Tobacco Studies Program at the University of Washington, explains how to lead a systematic decision-making process about programs and policies to implement in your community. With tools for group decision-making and community engagement, this module will help you navigate difficult decision-making situations, incorporate a variety of factors and perspectives, and build support for programs and policies.
Do you need to implement complex programs within a challenging, uncertain environment? The new Module 8, Developing an Action Plan, will help you plan effective program implementation, from big picture tools—such as goals, objectives, and logic models—to the nuts-and-bolts details of work plans. Meagan Brown, MPH, NWCPHP faculty, provides real-world examples, tips, and templates to help new program planners succeed, and seasoned leaders improve their practice.
Do you want to participate in an online learning community with others around the country? With Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center, NWCPHP is offering a LinkedIn group for current and past Evidence-Based Public Health course participants. This group provides the opportunity to discuss course content with other learners in real time—but on your own schedule—as well as to network with other public health professionals.
Do you want to build skills together with others in your organization or community? Evidence-Based Public Health provides an updated facilitator guide for organizing and leading discussion sessions to supplement the online course materials.
Do you want to explore more options for building skills in evidence-based public health? The Evidence-Based Public Health training series includes nine modules on key topics in public health practice. Each one is 45–90 minutes long and includes videos, activities, and resources. You can take them all in order or just pick the topics that fit your needs right now:
Module 1: Evidence-Based Public Health Overview
Module 2: Community Assessment
Module 3: Quantifying the Issue
Module 4: Developing a Concise Statement of the Issue
Module 5: Searching and Summarizing the Literature
Module 6: Developing and Prioritizing Program and Policy Options
Module 7: Economic Evaluation
Module 8: Developing an Action Plan
Module 9: Evaluation