In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Public Health Nurse Deborah Giedosh, EdD, shares how her team developed and delivered public health curriculum to support incarcerated dads in Alaska.
Learning Objectives
- List three challenges incarcerated dads and others in the prison system may experience.
- Consider the health and social needs of incarcerated dads, especially their desires to stay connected to their children and their communities.
- List three strategies for developing a prison-based health education program.
Intended Audiences
Local, state, and tribal public health professionals; staff in parenting support or education programs; staff in correctional facilities
Deborah Giedosh, EdD, MSN-PH, MSN-NEd, MA, RN, Public Health Nurse II, Mat-Su Public Health Center, Division of Public Health, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Discussion Questions
- What biases might you or your organization have in dealing with incarcerated populations?
- What are potential challenges for public health nurses bringing educational outreach to correctional facilities?
- Consider how a similar prison-based health education program could work in your community.

Air Date:
Monday, March 27, 2017, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PDT
Vulnerable Populations & Health Disparities
1 hour
Hot Topics in Practice
Competency Domains:
Communication Skills
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
Cultural Competency Skills
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills