Preventable injuries put a large burden on our families and communities. When public health informs policy, it gives us a tool to stop unintentional and violent injuries — from traffic, water, and/or firearms — before they happen.
The August session of Hot Topics in Practice will share lessons learned from Public Health — Seattle & King County about injury and violence prevention policy when it comes to traffic, water, and firearm safety.
During this one-hour webinar, Karyn Brownson and Tony Gomez, from the Violence and Injury Prevention Unit (VIP) at Public Health — Seattle & King County in King County, Washington, will provide a high-level overview of key policy planning, learning, and overall efforts. They will share key elements of injury and violence prevention work that other public health agencies can learn from and use as guides for their own policy efforts. This includes local, state, and federal efforts on traffic, water, and firearm safety.
Learn how one local health department uses policy in their injury and violence prevention work. Register today.
This webinar is supported by the Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center.
Reducing Injuries and Violence Through Policy
Date: August 24, 2022, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Intended Audiences
Local, state, and tribal public health practitioners
Karyn Brownson, MSW
Community Safety Manager, Violence and Injury Prevention Unit
Public Health — Seattle & King County
Tony Gomez, BS, RS
Manager, Violence and Injury Prevention Unit
Public Health — Seattle & King County
About Hot Topics in Practice
Hot Topics in Practice is a monthly webinar forum to discuss issues affecting public health practice.
Up to 1 CPH recertification credit may be earned by viewing this webinar. Visit the National Board of Public Health Examiners to learn more.