NWCPHP collaborated with the Network for Public Health Law, Southern Region Office to create this resource guide that provides information about laws and services related to children and adolescents. This guide is divided into five parts that look at different aspects of children's health services. You may look at each part individually or download the entire guide in our Learning Management System, PH LearnLink.
Learning Objectives
- List the common health issues children face, particularly low-income and vulnerable children
- Identify a range of laws and services that address child health needs
Intended Audience
Those who work with children or their families, or serve as a resource for referrals or consultations related to children's health
Jane Perkins, JD, MPH; Sarah Somers, JD, MPH; Corey Davis, JD, MSPH
The Network for Public Health Law, Southeastern Region Office at The National Health Law Program
In the spring of 2012, NWCPHP conducted key informant interviews with individuals within the Network for Public Health Law and used the insight gained to build the following practical tools and services for public health professionals and their attorneys:
- Consultation and coaching for public health law and policy trainers.
- Online public health law training database.
- Three online training modules on priority public health law and policy topics.
- Toolkits and guidelines for developing and delivering public health law trainings.