Public health practitioners believe in quality improvement as a tool to improve activities and measure successes. In this one hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, you will learn how emerging evidence shows that quality improvement is truly making a difference and leading to improvements in health outcomes. Ron Bialek, MPP, CQIA, President and CEO of the Public Health Foundation, introduces an expanding array of tools and resources to improve health department quality and performance, and build the skills and competence of the public health workforce. He also devotes time to looking at the history and use of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and how this all fits with accreditation.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how quality improvement in public health is leading to improvements in health outcomes
- Describe at least two tools or resources for quality improvement
Intended Audience
Local and state public health practitioners; Public health nurses
Ron Bialek, MPP, CQIA, is President and CEO of the Public Health Foundation (PHF). Under his leadership over the past 15 years, PHF has focused its efforts on developing and implementing innovative strategies for improving performance of public health agencies and systems. Initiatives include developing performance management and quality improvement tools and training for public health professionals; developing the consensus set of Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals through the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice; creating the Nation’s most comprehensive public health learning management system – TRAIN – linking together 22 states, the U.S. Medical Reserve Corps, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and developing consumer-oriented county health profiles – the Community Health Status Indicators initiative – for all counties in the U.S. Mr. Bialek recently served as one of the editors for the new Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook.