Former PHMC scholar, Kathleen Rees.
The Public Health Management Certificate offered by the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice is a year-long program that provides public health professionals with training in core management skills. We sat down with one of the program’s recent graduates, Kathleen Rees, to discuss the program’s impacts. Kathleen works as a Communicable Disease and Data Modernization Office Supervisor for the Washington County Public Health Division in northern Oregon.
Q. What drew you to this program?
The program was recommended to me by my supervisor, who had participated several years before. During the pandemic, I had an opportunity to move into my first supervisory position, and I was looking for a structured training environment that would be beneficial to my current role and career growth.
Q. What aspects of the program stood out most to you?
I found the skills assessment to be very useful. We received feedback on our existing skills and used that to develop a plan to grow throughout our time in the program and beyond.
The organizational systems materials were really amazing. Learning about systems mapping changed how I think about developing projects. I’ve relied on that often to ensure that I’m making positive connections with key players in the earliest stages of developing new projects.
I also really enjoyed the negotiation block. That’s material you rarely see covered in public health settings, but it was very helpful for me to learn new vocabulary for working through conflict and to think about my own position as I try to accomplish goals at work.
Lastly, the coaching and project support I received throughout my time in the program made the training feel more holistic and allowed me to implement relevant elements of the curriculum immediately to my work position.
Q. How did you balance a full-time job with the program’s requirements?
This program is a big commitment. I had to be intentional and dedicated about setting time aside to work on the weekends. I was fortunate to have a good support structure at work, and very positive relationships with my peers in the program. We were all rooting for one another, and I could feel that. Knowing I had support from my peers helped me stay focused and on-task.
Q. Tell us about your final project.
One of the areas we’re focused on at work is improving how our local community engages with the available public health data. This is an ongoing project that falls under the umbrella of public health modernization across the state of Oregon.
I drew a lot from the course materials as I conducted my project. Specifically, I utilized systems mapping and negotiation tools to advance this project. I also relied on the program evaluation tools and templates to make sure we could measure and grow this project in a sustainable manner.
As a result of this study, we’re already seeing some great progress. We’ve developed a data subcommittee with community partners and have created internal tools for our data team to use as they engage the public. We have also developed a data request form and a process for our community to make direct requests to public health. I’m very proud of the foundation we’ve created and am excited to watch this project continue to grow.
Q. How has this certificate impacted you professionally?
I’ve definitely become a better supervisor as a result of this program. I’m more intentional about the tools I use to communicate with my staff, and I’ve gained a better vocabulary as a leader. The program also taught me about resource allocation, advocacy, and budgeting, which are skills I draw from on a daily basis.
Q. What advice would you give to someone who is considering this program?
If you’re in the initial stages of your management career, then this is a great opportunity. It requires a lot of time and dedication, but it will directly support your ability to be a good supervisor for your team. You’ll meet wonderful people and be in a position to form a solid support network for the rest of your career.
Applications for the 2025–26 Public Health Management Certificate program are being accepted through May 31, 2025. Learn more and apply today.