NWCPHP's new training series in emergency preparedness leadership is now available.
From outbreaks to natural disasters to terrorism threats, state, local, and tribal public health agencies play an important role in responding to emergencies in their communities. NWCPHP’s new training series in emergency preparedness leadership helps public health professionals fulfill their roles by building the unique leadership skills required for emergency preparedness and response.
The training includes courses on three key topics for leadership during times of crisis: managing change, making decisions, and communicating risks. Managing Change helps leaders create a more adaptable organization that can respond quickly to new circumstances in the case of a crisis. Decision-Making provides tools to set up a structured process for making emergency decisions and to improve decision-making under pressure. And Risk Communication gives guidance in effectively presenting information and managing interactions with the public in emergency situations.
Each course can be taken alone or as part of the series at no cost. The series also includes an introductory video that gives an overview of the changing role of public health in emergency response and the importance of understanding yourself to lead effectively in crisis situations. Designed with busy public health professionals in mind, the courses consist of 2–3 videos and a brief quiz. Each course takes approximately one hour to complete. The training also addresses many of the CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) capabilities.
“In a crisis, everyone is a leader,” said Nathan Weed, MPH, Deputy Chief of Emergency Operations at the Washington State Department of Health, in the series introduction. This training series will help public health professionals at all levels gain skills and confidence in order to respond effectively when an emergency occurs.
Access the course to begin building your leadership skills now.