In the October session of Hot Topics in Practice, Public Health Director Dawn Emerick, EdD, describes how a local health department in Oregon used change management principles to restructure in advance of the state’s modernization efforts.
Significant changes are taking place in public health administration, financing, and service delivery. Is your organization ready? In the October session of Hot Topics in Practice, Public Health Director Dawn Emerick, EdD, describes how Clackamas County Health used change management principles to restructure their teams and services in advance of the state’s modernization efforts.
In this one-hour presentation, Emerick tells the end-to-end story of a complete realignment—from the first organizational readiness assessment to monitoring the outcomes. She will address how to tackle perennial challenges like recruitment and retention, working with unions, messaging the department’s value, and aligning a restructure with accreditation and other strategic planning efforts. She will also review key organizational theories and change communication tactics that help advance this work.
Register today to learn how visionary leadership and concrete action can help public health organizations prepare for change instead of just respond to it.
Change Management Principles for Public Health Modernization
Date: October 24, 2017, noon to 1:00 p.m. (PT)
Intended Audiences
Local, state, and tribal public health supervisors, managers, and directors
Dawn Emerick, EdD, Public Health Director, Clackamas County Health, Housing, and Human Services
About Hot Topics in Practice
Hot Topics in Practice is a monthly webinar forum to discuss issues affecting public health practice.