In this one-hour webinar, Christopher Blodgett, PhD, and Quen Zorrah, PHN, MSN, describe current work in adverse childhood experiences in Washington State. Blodgett describes funded work in Spokane that translates research on adverse childhood experiences and trauma into community development partnerships in early learning and K-12 schools. Zorrah discusses how Jefferson County Public Health has integrated the adverse childhood experiences into public health practice.
This webinar is part of the Maternal and Child Public Health webinar series.
Intended Audience
State public health personnel working with mothers, women, children and youth, and families in Region 10, US Department of Health Services.
Christopher Blodgett, PhD, is a Washington State University faculty member, a licensed clinical psychologist, and director of the Washington State University Area Health Education Center of Eastern Washington. Dr. Blodgett has been the principal investigator for more than three dozen federal, state, and national foundation grants addressing high-risk children and families. Areas of program work include adverse childhood experiences and complex trauma, family violence, chronic mental health disorders in children, early learning outcomes and system development, early childhood home visiting, and K-12 education improvement efforts.
Quen Zorrah, PHN, MSN, is a public health nurse and infant mental health specialist at Jefferson County Public Health. Her clinical focus has been home visiting to high-risk families through maternity support services, Early Intervention Program, and Nurse Family Partnership.
The Maternal and Child Public Health webinar series provides up-to-date information on topics related to Title V maternal and child health (MCH) national performance measures. A performance measure describes a specific need that, when successfully addressed, leads to better health outcomes. As part of the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, all state MCH agencies are required to report on their progress toward achieving the targets they set for these 18 national performance measures.
The series is supported by the Maternal and Child Public Health Leadership Training Program with a grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration. The program provides interdisciplinary, graduate-level training in maternal and child public health epidemiology and practice, including applied research, program planning and management, policy development, and advocacy.