Everyone Swims, a project to increase access to swimming among culturally diverse and low-income communities, provides an innovative approach to obesity and drowning prevention. This one-hour webinar covers strategies to promote water recreation in your community. Policy and systems change strategies include screening for swim ability, referrals to swimming and water recreation, swimming scholarships, and special swim and water recreation programs. This webinar was made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health - Seattle & King County.
Learning Objectives
- Learn strategies to promote swimming and water recreation
- Learn more about successful policy and systems change strategies that can bring
- Everybody Swims to your community
Intended Audience
Community organizations; Healthcare providers; Water recreation organizations
Lenna Liu, MD, Physician Lead of Everone Swims; Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine; Pediatrician, Odessa Brown Children's Clinic; Physician Leader, Seattle Children's Hospital Obesity Program
Maureen "Mo" Pomietto, MN, RN, Co-manager of Everyone Swims; Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, Seattle Children's Hospital Obesity Program; Clinical Faculty, University of Washington School of Nursing
Elizabeth "Tizzy" Bennett, MPH, MCHES, Co-manager of Everyone Swims; Director of Guest Services, Partnerships, and Advocacy, Seattle Children's Hospital; Leader of Washington State drowning prevention efforts