Despite the support of researchers and prominent professional organizations, many care providers have been slow to adopt critical, evidence-based practices for enhancing the safety of maternity care.
In this webinar, Thomas Benedetti, MD, and Mara Zabari review the new Safe Deliveries Roadmap, a quality improvement plan for advancing prenatal care in the Pacific Northwest. In this one-hour presentation, they will discuss the creation of the plan and describe how its evidence-based practices can be incorporated into routine care for mothers and babies along the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum continuum.
This webianr is a part of the Maternal and Child Public Health webinar series.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about the Safe Deliveries Roadmap initiative aimed to improve perinatal care in the Pacific Northwest.
- Describe structures and processes that have supported success with implementing the labor management bundle practices.
- Review progress with the labor management best practices and results from outcome and process measure performance data.
Intended Audience
Those who are interested or work in the area of Maternal and Child Health.
Thomas Benedetti, MD, is currently Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Washington and lead expert for the Safe Deliveries Roadmap initiative. He is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and he holds a Masters degree in Health Administration. Dr. Benedetti was on the faculty of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Washington for 36 years and his interests are obstetric policy and labor complications.
Mara Zabari is a consultant and founder of Conscious Healthcare Designs. She assists healthcare leaders to create healthy work environments where clinicians can do their best work and patients can receive the best care. Working with the Washington State Hospital Association, over the past three years, Mara has led large-scale quality improvement initiatives including efforts to develop cultures of safety, reduce readmissions, falls and pressure ulcers, and obstetric adverse events. Prior to this work, Mara managed and directed maternal child programs in hospitals in Oregon and Washington. She also served on the faculty of Vermont Oxford’s Neonatal Intensive Care Quality Improvement Collaborative and worked with Physician’s Mutual of Oregon to develop educational programs for their obstetricians. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Organizational Systems and anticipates graduating in January.