The Northwest Center for Public Health Practice provides training, research, and evaluation services to support public health organizations.
Our Identity
We are the outreach arm of the University of Washington School of Public Health (UW SPH), bringing public health academia and practice communities together. Within UW SPH, NWCPHP is housed in the Department of Health Systems and Population Health, which offers academic degree programs as well as certificates for students and working public health professionals. We have faculty and staff with broad experience in practice-based research, training and workforce development, and data analysis.
Our Region
We maintain strong partnerships locally, regionally, and nationally, placing a particular focus on the needs of public health practitioners in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Our Vision
Health and equity are collaboratively achieved through a skilled, diverse workforce and effective, just, and responsive prevention systems.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote excellence in public health through training, research, and evaluation.
Our Services
We offer institutes and certificate programs, online and in-person courses, webinars, toolkits, and custom trainings.
We develop practice-based research findings, research collaborations, and evidence-based practical tools.
We deliver custom evaluation services for measuring the impact of public health trainings and programs.
Our Anti-Racism Statement
The Northwest Center for Public Health Practice acknowledges the historical and present effects of structural racism in public health and higher education, which are felt disproportionately by Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color.
We unconditionally reject these systems of oppression and are committed to the learning, reflection, individual and collective action required to dismantle them.
We believe that focusing on racial equity will lead to the greatest gains in eliminating health inequities and create the most equitable outcomes for all communities we serve – rural, urban, and everywhere in between.