Hot Topics in PracticeHot Topics in Practice is a monthly webinar forum to discuss issues currently affecting public health practice.

Each month guest speakers from local, state, tribal, and national public health organizations present and take questions from the audience. Hot Topics is moderated by Sue Grinnell.

Previous Sessions

Below you may browse previous Hot Topics webinar sessions. All are available for viewing in PH LearnLink free of charge.

March 31, 2020

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Claire Tollefsen, Digital Media Specialist for the Oregon Health Authority, shares strategies for addressing trending topics on social media.

February 27, 2020

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, two attorneys explore the legal and ethical issues related to public health data use.

Close up view of green camera lens reflecting a crowd and computer code
January 28, 2020

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, two leaders from Idaho review why local public health agencies should be involved in mental and behavioral health issues and the role they can play in rural suicide prevention.

Image of people having a conversation
December 18, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews vaping-related products, health impacts, and prevention efforts underway in Washington State.

Photo of the lower quarter of a man's face blowing out smoke, while he holds a vape pen.
November 21, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar discusses the latest strategies and tools for using data to tell compelling public health stories.

Photograph of a chart formed from a rainbow of colored pencils.
October 29, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar discusses a unique community coalition in Klamath County, Oregon, that is connecting economic improvements to health.

Oregon high desert skyline
September 23, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews how non-tribal public health agencies can better collaborate with tribal entities to support community health.

Photograph of tribal members at the annual canoe journey.
August 27, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews messaging strategies for hot-button issues like vaccines, climate change, and fluoridation.

Photograph of a girl holding a glass of water.
July 23, 2019

This one-hour webinar explores how comics can be used for creative public health messaging.

June 25, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar describes how Clark County Public Health in Washington State responded to an outbreak in a community with large populations of unvaccinated children.

Photograph of a sign reading Measles Alert: STOP.
May 21, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews strategies for working with small data sets to better understand health issues, with examples from urban Indian communities.

Photograph of an AI/AN woman and young child.
April 30, 2019

This one-hour webinar reviews how to address homelessness with new messages and interventions.

March 26, 2019

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews how a large health department reduced their clinical services to focus more on primary prevention.

Photograph of a stethoscope and apple resting on a photo of a crowd of people.
February 26, 2019

This one-hour webinar reviews how public health professionals can take a lead in preventing opioid misuse.

Photograph of pills on a sheet of paper which is marked in a diagram.
January 29, 2019

In this one-hour webinar, Mary Kay Chess explores how systems thinking can be used to understand and resolve difficult public health problems.

Photograph of several post-it notes laid out on a larger diagram.