Hot Topics in PracticeHot Topics in Practice is a monthly webinar forum to discuss issues currently affecting public health practice.

Each month guest speakers from local, state, tribal, and national public health organizations present and take questions from the audience. Hot Topics is moderated by Sue Grinnell.

Previous Sessions

Below you may browse previous Hot Topics webinar sessions. All are available for viewing in PH LearnLink free of charge.

September 24, 2013

In this one hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, three workforce development specialists share their tips for assessing staff training needs and implementing training plans.

Blackboard reading: Workforce training plan: Survey, Analyze, Implement
August 27, 2013

In this one hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Brendon Haggerty discusses "complete streets" policies and how public health agencies can use them to influence transportation planning for health.

Photograph of a bicycle lane between a sidewalk and car traffic lanes.
July 16, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Betty Bekemeier explains how results from the Public Health Activities and Services Tracking (PHAST) Study can help local health jurisdictions understand their impact on population health and plan accordingly.

Photograph of a piggy bank.
June 25, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Paul Kuehnert tells how the Kane County Health Department implemented a strategic, organizational response to the 2008 recession and fortified the agency for long-term growth and sustainability.

May 21, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Michael Kinzer and Gerry Croteau discuss safety standards to reduce lead exposure at firing ranges.

Photograph of lead pellets.
April 30, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Stephen Orton discusses why business planning is important for the future of public health.

Graphic of a woman drawing a diagram of a business plan on a whiteboard.
March 19, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, members of the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association discuss strategies for better integrating public health and primary care.

Graphic of two roads, one labeled "Public Health," one labeled "Primary Care" converging into a larger road labeled "Improved Community Health."
February 19, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, communications specialists from Washington State explore strategies for communicating public health messages.

Graphic of a women with several thought bubbles, "H1N1," "flu vaccine," "be prepared."
January 15, 2013

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, representatives from state and local health jurisdictions deconstruct their decision-making processes to activate Incident Command, respond to emergencies, and ensure business continuity.

Photograph of a man in a vest reading Incident Commander looking at a flooded road.
December 18, 2012 to December 18, 2018

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Jean O’Connor, JD, DrPH, discusses the origins and progress of the movement toward coordinated care organizations (CCOs) in Oregon.

Graphic of figures standing on puzzle pieces.
November 20, 2012

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar reviews coal’s life cycle and discusses how it adversely influences human and environmental health.

Screenshot of webinar slides.
October 23, 2012

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, we discuss how leaders can strategically respond to financial challenges and shifting responsibilities in public health.

Graphic of a red question mark among a large number of white dollar signs.
September 18, 2012

This one-hour Hot Topics webinar discusses how a sense of connectedness can help community health and is a critical influence on the future of public health practice.

Screenshot of webinar slides.
August 14, 2012

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, Susan Allan, MD, JD, MPH, provides a practical perspective for working effectively with public health law and legal counsel.

Screenshot of webinar slides.
July 31, 2012

In this one-hour Hot Topics webinar, a panel of public health leaders share their perspectives on declaring and responding to the pertussis epidemic.

Screenshot of webinar slides.